Flamenco in Spain // FLASHBACK FRIDAY
On my 2-week whirlwind trip all over Spain in 2011 (aka the last trip I’ll ever try to do too many things in too little time), I regrettably went way out of my way to spend a couple days in Seville.
On my 2-week whirlwind trip all over Spain in 2011 (aka the last trip I’ll ever try to do too many things in too little time), I regrettably went way out of my way to spend a couple days in Seville.
During my mid-year break at Sydney Uni in 2006, I traveled for 3+ weeks in Western Australia and the Kimberley. The most economical and safe way for a solo female traveler to take on the rugged backcountry in Australia is to join a tour group, so I threw a few G’s at Western Xposure to take me from Perth to Darwin during the Aussie winter.
I’ve detailed my many misadventures in India with great candor, but I JUST REALIZED (like, literally 5 minutes before starting this post) that I never wrote about the desert town of Jaisalmer.
I’ve visited my sister in Boston numerous times in the past 7 years, ever since she started school at BU – but only ONCE have I been to Boston in the summer.
It’s been nearly a year now since I returned from my epic Asian journey, having completed my first multi-month solo female travel adventure.
Do I miss life on the perpetual road?
I’ve been thinking back lately to my 2 weeks in Hawaii in 2012 and how incredibly AWESOME that trip was. Hawaii has everything I need to be happy: glorious warm weather, gorgeous scenery, and outdoor adventures out the wazoo.
You know the drill by now. Lindsay visits a new city –> Lindsay samples ALL THE COFFEE.
Upon further reflection, I think I really need to organize my coffee crawls a bit better.
With as many international travel adventures as I have under my belt, it is straight up STUPID how little domestic travel I’ve done in comparison. Apart from sporadic jaunts out west or around the northeast, I’ve hardly seen any of my own country – and that’s just unacceptable!
I didn’t love my ancestors’ country when I visited it 4 years ago. I wanted so much to throw my arms up and shout out my love for Sweden, but Stockholm didn’t wow me as I’d hoped.