Best Coffee In Bangkok: Size S Coffee & Bakery

This post was last updated on 2024 April 21

Bangkok is renowned for plenty: glorious temples, colorful markets, wildly inappropriate ping pong shows – but certainly not for coffee.

Still, Bangkok is a massive city – I was convinced there HAD to be a great cup of coffee to be had somewhere. And since I would be popping in and out of Bangkok several times throughout my 2013 Asia trip, I was determined to find my go-to spot for coffee.

Would you believe that the best coffee I had IN ASIA was just a few doors down from the hostel I stayed at in Bangkok?

This is no exaggeration. I certainly don’t mess around when it comes to my beloved coffee, and my standards are ridiculously high for a good cup. But I kid you not – the americano at Size S Coffee & Bakery was on par with the best coffee I’ve had in Brooklyn, Portland, and even Italy. Seriously and unexpectedly mind-blowing.

best coffee in bangkok

Size S, true to name, is all about savoring its delicacies in small portions – to that end, they serve tiny pastries to accompany their tiny cups of coffee. Now, I’m an American, and in America we prescribe to an alternate theory which states that bigger is better. CLEARLY one small cup of coffee would never do, so I got into the habit of ordering 2 cups within a half-hour span. Part of the pleasure was just sitting there in anticipation of the coffee, inhaling the delicious aroma of the beans as they were ground and then brewed. You KNOW the coffee’s gonna taste good if it smells phenomenal.

This cafe is not designed for working, as there is limited seating and no outlets available. But I was usually the only one there, so I’d take advantage of the wifi and work for a few hours each morning on my laptop until the battery ran out. And since my accommodation, Etz Hostel, was just down the street, it was super convenient to stop back and drop my laptop off before heading out into the city for the afternoon.

best coffee in bangkok

best coffee in bangkok

Frugal Facts

Size S Coffee & Bakery is absolutely worth seeking out if you’re in search of some great (read: non-Starbucks) coffee in Bangkok. It’s easy to get to via the metro to Lumphini Station, located about 5 minutes from Lumphini Park.

Address: 5/25 Soi Ngam du Phli (off of Rama IV Road)

Americano: 60 baht ($2 US)