Browsing: Europe

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Annual Recap

2013 was a banner year for me in terms of travel. I spent just under half of the year traveling abroad, what with my 5 months in Asia (aka the impetus behind this here blog), brief stint in London, and quick jaunt to Montreal.


I was a little late to jump on the Instagram bandwagon – though it certainly wasn’t by choice, resistance, or ignorance. Verizon didn’t start carrying the iPhone until February 2011, so really they’re to blame for my late start.


I’m not sure exactly how Southern Italy made its way onto my meticulously-planned 5 week itinerary, but I wanted to do something a little off the beaten path. So much of the good stuff in Italy is very much ON the beaten path, and rightfully so – and as a result, it’s fairly easy to get to.

london england

Now that I’m mostly done sharing my adventures from 5 months in Asia, it’s finally time to move on to the 2.5 weeks I spent in London. GET PSYCHED!

First, let’s talk logistics.


I don’t have fuzzy, happy memories of the couple days I spent in Amsterdam in 2010 – and no, it’s not because I refrained from indulging in the “coffee shops” there!

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