Browsing: Annual Recap

australia travel blog
Annual Recap

Ah, 2020 – the year that needs no introduction.

Suffice it to say that 2020 looked nothing like I’d imagined or planned. It was supposed to be the year I went back to my nomadic roots, traipsing around Australia, traveling to the US for work and family, and gallivanting around Europe again before returning to Sydney and finding a new home for myself.

travel blog australia
Annual Recap

Oh boy. 2019 was a bit of a doozy, let me just say.

I had every intention of living a balanced year in which I’d make new friends and strengthen my bonds with my existing friends, go on copious adventures with said friends, do a bit of traveling, do a bit of personal development work, and grow my blog.

things to do at bondi beach
Annual Recap

Welp, this year-in-review post looks a bit different from the ones I’ve done the last couple years when I was a nomad.

That’s because 2017 was all about getting grounded and making a new home for myself in Sydney, rather than country hopping.