Browsing: Europe

Coffee in Brooklyn

“THERE’S A VOLCANO ALERT FOR ICELAND!”, Becca texted me last week, just 11 days before we were due to fly to Reykjavik.

I immediately took to The Google, which confirmed that an orange alert had been issued due to “intense seismic activity at the Bardarbunga volcano [which]indicates the potential for a disruptive ash event similar to 2010”.

Flamenco in Spain

On my 2-week whirlwind trip all over Spain in 2011 (aka the last trip I’ll ever try to do too many things in too little time), I regrettably went way out of my way to spend a couple days in Seville.


You wouldn’t think “Denmark” and “beach” would go together but, with 4000+ miles of coastline, the Danish peninsula and archipelago host numerous beaches fit for holiday-ing.

I visited the coastal town of Juelsminde in September, when the daily temperature had plummeted to the 50’s and the end of summer had ushered in the rain and wind.

cambridge england

In the 2.5 weeks I spent in London last summer, I managed to fit in a few day trips: to Greenwich, Brighton, and Cambridge.

I LOVED Cambridge. Loved! Straight off the train, I headed into town and into the courtyard of one of the colleges of Cambridge University and promptly lay down in the grass for a nap in the sun.


I can’t say that The Netherlands ranks as one of my favorite European countries I’ve visited, but… it has its charms.

Like the Cat Boat, De Poezenboot. It’s exactly as it sounds: a boat-turned-cat shelter, docked in a canal in Amsterdam.

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