Browsing: Life


Let me preface this post with a disclaimer that I AM NOT A BEAUTY BLOGGER.

I never planned to write about my microblading experience, but after a handful of frantic late-night Google searches, trying to understand if what I was seeing and experiencing was a normal part of the healing process and not quite finding a clear answer… I feel compelled to fill in the gaps for future freakouters.

tony robbins upw

Never in a million billion years did I expect to be writing an article like this.

5 years ago, I didn’t even believe in yoga. Now, I’m entering a new decade as someone who regularly attends sound healings, goes to a psychic on occasion, and is on a waiting list to purchase a REALLY pretty handmade deck of tarot cards.

Sorrento back beach rock pools

This isn’t a post I ever imagined I’d be publishing on my travel blog.

This isn’t something I ever thought I’d actually do in my life.

Yet here I am, reflecting on the healing session I had with a psychic medium back in May when I was in Melbourne.

south coast nsw

OH MY GOSH I can’t believe I’m actually making some new year’s resolutions!

I’ve been very anti-that for basically ever, but for some reason I’m feeling super inspired and motivated at the start of 2018 to make some moves and get shit done.

things to do at bondi beach
Annual Recap

Welp, this year-in-review post looks a bit different from the ones I’ve done the last couple years when I was a nomad.

That’s because 2017 was all about getting grounded and making a new home for myself in Sydney, rather than country hopping.

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