Browsing: Australia

western australia beaches

This article on The 20 Best Beaches in Western Australia may contain affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase using these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

duke of orleans bay

You guys, I think I’ve started this thing where I use my birthday as an occasion to discover somewhere exceedingly cool and off the radar. Y’know… like exploring amazing places in nature that SHOULD be all over instagram but mercifully are not, due to the effort required to reach them.

malabar headland walk

This isn’t news to Sydneysiders, but did y’all know how good the hikes in Sydney are?

It’s true. There are dozens of walking and hiking trails in Sydney and surrounds. And they’re so damn accessible that hiking Sydney just becomes a part of your routine, whether it’s an after-work walk along the harbour or beach, or a Saturday spent completing a longer Sydney hike. 

sydney harbour cruise

Filed under things that gave me culture shock after moving from New York to Sydney: the fact that Boxing Day is an actual holiday in Australia. In the US, we typically don’t have the luxury of having the day after Christmas off from work; go figure that now that I live in a place where this is a thing, I no longer work an office job.

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