Browsing: North America

rfk bridge
Annual Recap

2013 was a banner year for me in terms of travel. I spent just under half of the year traveling abroad, what with my 5 months in Asia (aka the impetus behind this here blog), brief stint in London, and quick jaunt to Montreal.

Flashback Friday

It’s been an unusually snowy December in New York this year, which means I’ve been craving summer and the beach way more than I normally do. At the sight of white outside our kitchen window, my mind instantly runs to a warmer, sunnier, HAPPIER place – somewhere I can walk around in a tank top and flip flops, work on my tan, and frolic at all hours.

great jack-o-lantern blaze
New York

I’ve done the halloween parade, gone apple picking, visited the county farm, done a corn maze, gone wine tasting, carved pumpkins, and leaf peeped. In fact, I’ve done most of these things multiple times and they’re still fun – but what’s a semi-jaded New York City dweller to do to jazz up her fall and pretend like the inevitable god-awful winter is not upon us?

Flashback Friday

In month #9 of my (f)unemployment stint and quarter-life crisis, I was as restless as I’d ever been. I had all this time at my disposal, and all I’d done with it was start my wedding photography business and apply for jobs.