Browsing: Recaps

caravan road trip route australia

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australia travel blog
Annual Recap

Ah, 2020 – the year that needs no introduction.

Suffice it to say that 2020 looked nothing like I’d imagined or planned. It was supposed to be the year I went back to my nomadic roots, traipsing around Australia, traveling to the US for work and family, and gallivanting around Europe again before returning to Sydney and finding a new home for myself.

travel blog australia
Annual Recap

Oh boy. 2019 was a bit of a doozy, let me just say.

I had every intention of living a balanced year in which I’d make new friends and strengthen my bonds with my existing friends, go on copious adventures with said friends, do a bit of traveling, do a bit of personal development work, and grow my blog.

sydney nye fireworks view
Monthly Recap

Hello my people! Is anyone else amazed that it’s now 2019?

This is actually my favorite time of year, early January: you have a year full of endless possibilities ahead, AND a few months of glorious summer weather in your immediate future (if you’re in Sydney, at any rate!).

cronulla beach
Monthly Recap

Helloooooo friends! This recap’s comin’ atcha a wee bit late because I’ve been on the road (more on that later!).

September started off super busy with a trip up to Cairns and the conclusion of my NLP course.

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