Browsing: Southwest US

sedona girls weekend
Guest Post

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In April 2010, aka Month #9 of Funemployment after quitting my first-ever corporate job, I took a spontaneous trip out west, flew into Vegas, rented a car, and roadtripped for a week with my old Brooklyn roommate Lauren.

Road Trips

I feel like there’s a lot of pressure in visiting Arches National Park. It’s seemingly not enough just to go and take skillfully-composed pictures of the arches – no, you’ve got to go to the right arches at the right time.

weekend road trips from denver
Road Trips

Canyonlands plays second fiddle to Arches when it come to Moab’s national parks, but you know what? I don’t think that’s well deserved. Plop this stunner anywhere east of the Mississippi and it would easily be the most visited (and most beautiful) national park.