Browsing: Destinations

bhaktapur nepal

On one of my last days in Nepal last year, I took a day trip to Bhaktapur: a well-preserved medieval town not too far from Kathmandu. It marked my first time riding on a public bus in Asia as I was introduced to seats far too narrow to accommodate my average-sized American limbs, windows wide open and blowing all sorts of dirt and dust inside.

gantry state park
New York

At 6 years and counting, my love affair with New York City is the longest commitment I’ve (willingly) made. We’ve been out of the honeymoon phase for awhile, but there’s still plenty to love about this city I call home.


I can’t say that The Netherlands ranks as one of my favorite European countries I’ve visited, but… it has its charms.

Like the Cat Boat, De Poezenboot. It’s exactly as it sounds: a boat-turned-cat shelter, docked in a canal in Amsterdam.


In April of 2006, I took one of those trips that leaves you with mental images and memories permanently etched in your mind. I traversed the Australian Outback, from Adelaide northward to Darwin, in 10 days.

santa marta colombia

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