Browsing: New York

nyc rooftop bar

I’m 29 years old now. Aside from having to manually change my age on the sidebar of this website and my social media platforms, I don’t feel any older. I’m pretty ok with that!

5 pointz nyc
Flashback Friday

I moved to New York City at the start of 2008.

Exactly three weeks later, I found myself on a photo adventure in Long Island City, of all places. I don’t think I’d even heard of this Queens neighborhood before coming here – and if I’m being honest, I probably saw it mentioned in one of my cheesy New York books, such as “1000 Cheap or Free Things To Do In NYC”.

nyc subway

I’m always deliberate in telling people that the walk from my apartment to the Graham Ave subway stop takes 12 minutes. Exaggerating to 15 is a surefire way of ensuring that no one will ever visit me in my little Brooklyn nook, while rounding down to 10 just doesn’t do this long-drawn walk justice.

rfk bridge
Annual Recap

2013 was a banner year for me in terms of travel. I spent just under half of the year traveling abroad, what with my 5 months in Asia (aka the impetus behind this here blog), brief stint in London, and quick jaunt to Montreal.

great jack-o-lantern blaze
New York

I’ve done the halloween parade, gone apple picking, visited the county farm, done a corn maze, gone wine tasting, carved pumpkins, and leaf peeped. In fact, I’ve done most of these things multiple times and they’re still fun – but what’s a semi-jaded New York City dweller to do to jazz up her fall and pretend like the inevitable god-awful winter is not upon us?