Tagged: trip planning


It’s that time of year again! You know, the one where it stops being beach weather in Sydney and I bugger off to warmer climes for awhile :)

In 2018, I returned to the US for about a month for some family time, NYC catch ups, and adventures in my favorite state, California.


This article on Planning My Philippines Beach Bum Bonanza may contain affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase using these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.


It’s been awhile since I did one of these travel planning posts, namely because I’ve taken an anti-planning approach to my recent travels. But with so many events coming up and opportunities arising, I suddenly find myself with a very structured 3 months of travel adventures coming up.


“THERE’S A VOLCANO ALERT FOR ICELAND!”, Becca texted me last week, just 11 days before we were due to fly to Reykjavik.

I immediately took to The Google, which confirmed that an orange alert had been issued due to “intense seismic activity at the Bardarbunga volcano [which]indicates the potential for a disruptive ash event similar to 2010”.