Tagged: Asia


It’s been a month since I left Vietnam and I haven’t blogged a shred about it yet, so I thought I’d give you a little preview of what’s to come, via my Vietnam instagram feed.


I LOVE Asia. One of the best things about it is how starkly different it is to the western world in certain regards. While many of these culture clashes invigorated me, other Asian habits annoyed me – and some just had no logic to them.


I’d like to think I give each place I visit a fair chance to show me what they’ve got. We shouldn’t be so quick to judge when we meet new people, so it’s only logical that we do the same when we visit new cities/countries.


Let’s be real: one of the major draws to Southeast Asia is how insanely affordable it is to travel there. I knew Cambodia was one of the cheaper countries to get by in, but it didn’t really hit home until I found myself indulging in $1.50 cocktails in Siem Reap.


Ah, Railay. I will always look back on my time spent in this climber’s beach paradise as one of the best weeks of my life. I got to do one of my favorite activities in the most beautiful of places, essentially honeymoon-style ;)

After meeting on the Maya Bay Sleep Aboard, I went back to Phuket with Hot Arms, and then he accompanied me to Railay.


With just a few weeks left on my backpacking trip, I think I can accurately assess how well I did packing for Asia.

I kept this 3-bag setup throughout the entire 5 months and it worked quite well – but I won’t lie, it was quite cumbersome, especially at times where my backpack weighed more.