Tagged: beach


I don’t know about you, but the trips I take tend to be planned around one particular thing I’ve been aching to see or do. In the case of my 2012 road trip around the Big Island of Hawaii, the one thing I just HAD to do was the Waimanu Valley hike, on the Muliwai Trail.


This article on Biking the Cape Cod Rail Trail may contain affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase using these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.


During my mid-year break at Sydney Uni in 2006, I traveled for 3+ weeks in Western Australia and the Kimberley. The most economical and safe way for a solo female traveler to take on the rugged backcountry in Australia is to join a tour group, so I threw a few G’s at Western Xposure to take me from Perth to Darwin during the Aussie winter.

Flashback Friday

You wouldn’t think it, but there’s actually a good number of beaches easily accessible from NYC. As to the quality of these beaches, well… most leave something to be desired. After all, I’m always comparing them to the beaches of Thailand and Australia in the back of my mind – obviously they can’t compare to those.


You wouldn’t think “Denmark” and “beach” would go together but, with 4000+ miles of coastline, the Danish peninsula and archipelago host numerous beaches fit for holiday-ing.

I visited the coastal town of Juelsminde in September, when the daily temperature had plummeted to the 50’s and the end of summer had ushered in the rain and wind.


This is not a blog post highlighting the top 5 must-sees, or how to budget for a tropical getaway.

Instead it serves one simple purpose: to show you how incredibly BEAUTIFUL the Colombian coastline is, and inspire you to visit Tayrona National Park someday.