Tagged: Australia


I could feel my blood pressure rising, my muscles tensing up, as we waited impatiently for the bus on Campbell Parade. According to the schedule, two 380’s were supposed to have already passed by.


This article on Why I’ll Never Fly Jetstar Airways Again may contain affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase using these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.


This article on 5 Things You Should Do in Hobart, Tasmania may contain affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase using these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.


I’ve been sloooooowly covering my Queensland trip from last month on the blog. In case you missed those posts or are fresh on the Frugal Frolicker train in 2015, here they are:

One really cool thing to note is that this was the first trip I took with a pretty sizable Instagram following.