Tagged: Melbourne


This article on The Best Melbourne Weekend Getaways may contain affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase using these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.


I realize that throwing my two cents into the oft-heated and never-settled Melbourne vs Sydney debate is probably a fool’s errand, but what the hell – I’m doing it.

I’ve lived in both cities and thoroughly enjoyed my time in each of them.


Filed under Surprising/Shocking/Unlikely/Absurd Things That Exist in Melbourne (of which there are MANY, god bless this city): a hands-on street art class!

I had no idea this was a thing until App Guy gifted me with a voucher for Christmas.


I’m a girl on a mission this month aspiring to conquer as many items on my Melbourne To-Do List as I can before I relocate to Sydney in March.

I don’t know why it took me 5 months to get myself to the highest vantage point in the Southern Hemisphere (me and exceptional viewpoints are like a month to a flame), but on a recent summer blue sky day I needed a break from work and without much deliberation, hopped on my bike and rode into the city.


Stringing together a collection of Melbourne’s best street art is about as silly as creating a roundup of the city’s best coffee shops: there’s just too much of both of them to condense into one guide or Top 10 list, and they’re constantly changing.


I’m a little weird about birthdays. Some years I let mine pass with nary a frill; others, I use it to justify any and all passing whims and indulge with zero guilt.