Best of Thailand – Photo Gallery

This post was last updated on 2024 April 21

The ‘Best of Thailand’ photo gallery below is a collection of images I took in March-June 2013 while traveling in Thailand. In just over 6 weeks of travel, I explored the entire country: my first stint led me to Bangkok and south to the Thai islands of Koh Lanta, Koh Kradan, and Ko Phi Phi, where my main camera broke. I continued on to the beach paradises of Maya Bay and Railay with just an iPhone to document my time there. 5 weeks later, I picked up my repaired camera during my second leg in Thailand, hitting Bangkok and then heading to the north to spend time in Chiang Mai and Pai.

In addition, my Top 5 favorite photos I took in Thailand are at the bottom of this post.

The Stats

Dates: March 29 – April 24 / May 31 – June 6 / June 16-26, 2013
Locations: Bangkok, Koh Lanta, Koh Kradan, Ko Phi Phi, Maya Bay, Railay, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Pai
Camera: A blend of the Canon 5d Mark III, Canon S90 and iPhone 4/4s (when the Canon died)
Lenses: (2015) Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 L, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS
# of Photos Taken: ~2145

My Top 5 Thailand Photos

1. Girl from a hilltribe in Northern Thailand

All of the guys were hanging out in the hut when I snuck out to escape their chain smoking. This girl had been curiously following me off and on that day, and I caught her sitting in the doorway just as I was about to reenter.
chiang mai trek

2. Railay

Would you believe me if I told you that this shot was taken from a kayak with an iPhone? It was one of those scenes that was so perfectly gorgeous that no matter how camera-stupid you were, you’d take an amazing picture of it. Part of me hated not having my camera at Railay, but I ended up with good photos solely using the iPhone so it wasn’t so terrible. We had a bright blue sky with cottonball clouds all afternoon and I couldn’t stop ogling it.
railay thailand

3. Preparing rice at a Karen village

I mostly just love the motion blur in this shot, but it was also really cool to see how the Thai villagers sort rice and separate the shells from the rice pieces. It’s a very manual process, but the women in this tribe have mastered it to a T.
chiang mai trek

4. Cliff jumping in Chiang Mai

Jumping into this quarry in Chiang Mai was an experience that was equal parts exhilarating and beautiful. Throw in some gorgeous late-afternoon light and you’ve got yourself a pretty fantastic outing.
chiang mai thailand

5. Koh Kradan

Bright blue water. Bright white sand. Hammock. Non-touristy island in the Andaman Sea. Need I say more? This photo perfectly sums up what life is like in the Thai islands. Man is it a good life.
koh kradan