Tagged: work


So, I originally wrote a long-winded intro to this post while on my flight from Sydney to Manila. Then I devoured Mark Mansons’s new book  and decided it was way too whiny and that I should give less f*cks than I let on in it.


I’ve had this aching feeling ever since I entered the professional workforce 9 years ago that the typical 9-5 office job just wasn’t for me. Committing to spending my weekday daylight hours at a desk surrounded by others who have agreed to the same sentence feels completely unnatural and inefficient to me.


I’ve just moved into a share house in Camberwell, an eastern suburb of Melbourne, where I’ll be living for 4 weeks. Tonight, I’ll be sleeping in my 35th bed this year.

Annual Recap

When I look back at 2014, I think: Man, I worked hard and accomplished a lot.

I’ve long been a preacher in support of living a balanced life. It’s why you’ll never find me staying late at the office or bragging about how I went to the gym 6 out of 7 days last week.



As glorious and exciting as 2013 was for me, I’m ready to ring in a new year. While this year was a transition year for me, 2014 is shaping up to be a year of growth and stability (gasp!).