The Chicago River by Night // FLASHBACK FRIDAY

This post was last updated on 2024 April 21

Wait, am I allowed to flash back to last night? Of course I am, this is MY BLOG after all!

So HEY GUYS, I’m in Chicago! For the first time ever! I am deliriously sleep deprived from the past 1.5 weeks of mayhem, and there’s no sign of that letting up anytime soon with BlogHouse happening this weekend, followed by me conducting a bunch of interviews once I’m back at work next week. I’m sure I’ll go into hibernation mode once that’s all done, but until then… ENERGIZER BUNNY TIME!

chicago river by night

After a trip to the Skydeck and a massive deep dish pizza dinner, I went for a bit of a frolic along the Chicago River last night. I used to be super into (i.e. borderline obsessed with) nighttime photography and long exposures, but my style has since evolved into more candid/street shooting. But strolling along the Riverwalk last night inspired me to do a little impromptu shooting of the skyline. I shot this without a tripod, with my camera propped on a curved railing and my hands holding it semi-steady. BOOM. Not bad, right?

Really though, I had no idea how beautiful and quiet it would be on the Chicago River. It’s a lovely change of pace from chaotic New York. I’m excited to spend all day today exploring this city!