Arlington National Cemetery // FLASHBACK FRIDAY

This post was last updated on 2024 April 21

Rather than share a travel story related to this Flashback Friday photo, I’m going to spit out a few DC-related memories. Because honestly, there isn’t much of a story here: I went to DC, popped over to Arlington National Cemetery for a hot second, was captivated by the symmetry of all the tombstones, and just really enjoy this photo I took there. The end.

arlington national cemetery

I’ve been to DC a bunch of times, but it’s been a few years since my last visit. A few thoughts and highlights from past trips, off the top of my head:

  • I once took the train down to DC, photographed an engagement session on the Mall in blistering heat, then took the train back to NYC that same day. I would not recommend a DC daytrip from Brooklyn by public transport.
  • I photographed one of my favorite friends’ weddings in DC a few years ago. It’s one of those days that still makes me smile.
  • In the summer of 2009, I stalked the Real World DC house with said friend. We actually saw the cast filming right outside!
  • One past DC trip coincided with my HDR phase – as a result, I have nothing but awfully-blended HDR photos from this particular outing which I’ve been tempted to mass-delete on multiple occasions. It was great fun, though, hopping around the city at night taking long exposure shots of all the monuments and cool-looking buildings we encountered.
  • I really, really adore the DC metro system. The majestic aesthetics of every station, the lights that flash on the platform when a train is approaching, the comfy seats on the trains – it makes me so happy!
  • One year, I tried to time my DC visit with the cherry blossoms. It was due to be peak blooming time, but by the time I arrived, all the blossoms were on the ground. Really?! I get that it’s pretty difficult to accurately predict the bloom, but to go from 60 to 0 in the span of a day is pretty nuts. Why can’t they just *gradually* fall off the trees?
  • I recently scored a $0 ticket to DC on Bolt Bus. I knew about their elusive $1 fares, but $0? How/why does this exist?! It’s supposed to be peak bloom in early April for the cherry blossoms, but I won’t hold my breath. And, you know, if it ends up being too late to see them again, I could always NOT go since I didn’t pay for my bus ticket. Then again, I am due for a DC trip anyway, so we shall see.