Tagged: solo travel


Full disclosure: I was a major math nerd back in the day. I aced all my honors math classes, won all the math awards, was captain of the math team, even entered Cornell as a math major.


I’ll be spending most of March 2013 in India and I’m SO EXCITED. Slightly apprehensive, yes, but I know that once I get my bearings I’ll be fine. It’s going to be so unlike anything or any place I’ve ever experienced and I CAN’T WAIT!



Your job. Your relationship. Your home. Money.

These 4 things can be summed up in 1 word: COMFORTS.

You’re comfortable, and it feels good. Easy, even. Why on earth would you ever want to ditch these creature comforts?


I am a mere 3 weeks away from embarking on my 5-month travel adventure through Asia! Obviously that means all I’m capable of thinking or talking about these days is travel (which, let’s be real, is not a far stretch from how I usually am).


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