Tagged: life


Real talk, guys: 2017 was not the best year for this blog.

The 5th year of Frugal Frolicker was actually the first year that website traffic didn’t increase. Worse than that, I just felt disconnected from the blog most of the time, which often made it difficult to write.


OH MY GOSH I can’t believe I’m actually making some new year’s resolutions!

I’ve been very anti-that for basically ever, but for some reason I’m feeling super inspired and motivated at the start of 2018 to make some moves and get shit done.

Annual Recap

Welp, this year-in-review post looks a bit different from the ones I’ve done the last couple years when I was a nomad.

That’s because 2017 was all about getting grounded and making a new home for myself in Sydney, rather than country hopping.


Those subscribed to my newsletter or follow my Facebook page have already heard the news, but for everyone else out there…

After over a year of constant stress, document chasing, and other administrative bullcrap, my Aussie visa process is finally over.


So, I originally wrote a long-winded intro to this post while on my flight from Sydney to Manila. Then I devoured Mark Mansons’s new book  and decided it was way too whiny and that I should give less f*cks than I let on in it.


“How was your weekend?”, asks every king and queen of Small Talk who happens to engage me in a conversation on a Sunday night or Monday.

Weekends have meant nothing to me since I left the corporate world 1.5 years ago, so I don’t know how to answer this question anymore.