San Francisco Bay // FLASHBACK FRIDAY

This post was last updated on 2024 April 21

Second only to my beloved Australia, California holds a comfy spot on my short list of places I’m going to live in someday. I’ve only spent about a week (cumulative) in the state, but like they say – when you know, you know.

I’m convinced you could very well drop me anywhere in California and I’d be happy as a clam, but if I had to choose…

san francisco bay

It’s gotta be San Francisco.

With an ideal mix of the grit and culture that draws me to NYC, plus the beautiful bay backdrop and easy access to outdoor adventures, San Francisco is quite possibly my city-soulmate. I’m willing to overlook its unforgiving hills and cost of living if it means I can enjoy a very moderate climate in a very beautiful place.

I spent a few days in San Francisco in 2010 on a 2-week west coast roadtrip. OBVIOUSLY a cable car ride had to happen – in fact, the shot above was taken from it. The view of the San Francisco Bay from the top of the hills is – in a word – unforgettable.