Tagged: digital nomad


This article on The Best Bondi Cafe For Working may contain affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase using these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.


I know, I know – how dare I use such a clickbait-y title. Aren’t I just the worst?

I’m pretty excited about this post because it’s not about how to save money TO travel – it’s about how to subsidize travel, travel cheaply, and save money while on the road.


So, I originally wrote a long-winded intro to this post while on my flight from Sydney to Manila. Then I devoured Mark Mansons’s new book  and decided it was way too whiny and that I should give less f*cks than I let on in it.


“How was your weekend?”, asks every king and queen of Small Talk who happens to engage me in a conversation on a Sunday night or Monday.

Weekends have meant nothing to me since I left the corporate world 1.5 years ago, so I don’t know how to answer this question anymore.